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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Computer and Laptop Repair

We all would agree that with the advent of computers, our lives have changed. We all love to sit on our PC's and laptops for long hours for various individualistic reasons. But what happens when your Computer or Laptop breaks down and is need of a repair? Computer Repair can be a headache for most of us who are unsure of whom to trust. If you are located in and around the North London and Herts area, there are many computer repair, laptop repair, PC maintenance, Wired and Wireless Networking solutions, and several other IT enabled services-offering companies that can help you out! Many of these companies have thorough professionals employed and have been offering their services for over a decade now.These companies offer the services of computer repair, networking-related etc. services at affordable prices and onsite repair facilities are also available, depending upon the feasibility. Many residential, commercial, learning and government bodies employ their services. There is also a facility of replying to the inquiries made by a customer within a day.

The professionals from these companies located in and around Herts are efficient and have loads of experience in diagnosing all types of computer problems. They are willing to help you in case your computer has troubles with upgrading, is running slowly or has stopped working altogether! Services like Removing Viruses, Spy Wares, Installation of Broadband, Wireless and Wired Network set-up, Upgrading the PC's/laptops; Computer Setup, Laptop Data Recovery, File Transfers, Laptop servicing, Made-to-order computers, Network maintenance and many more related Computer Services are on offer.

Apart from the basic PC and Laptop Repair, here is a detailed list on what all you can avail from these companies:

Trouble Shooting, Fault finding, Ad ware & Mail ware Removal, PC Running Slow, Blue Screen Errors, Dead Computers, Registry Repair, Hardware Installation, Hardware Diagnostics, Software Diagnostics, Computer Maintenance, System Valet, Driver Errors, DLL Errors etc.

Facility of Remote Access

How about a facility by which one is able to get instant access to their computers at their home or office even when on the move! What if one can access their main office server machines as well!

Well, with the Remote Access Facilities that these companies offer, one can access and/or control their computers remotely. Even the people working under you have the option of sending and sharing files, folders, emails, programs etc. Even when on the move. Your customers and co-workers can also get connected. The list is never ending and benefits are manifold.

Want to avail these computer repair/laptop repair services? Want to know more about Computer Maintenance? Visit for more details.

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Motivation - Pushing You Towards Your Goals

Being successful in life is not as easy as some people think it is. Success comes from your efforts and what you grow to BECOME from the invisible force that is pushing you towards success. So what is the unseen power that drives people to accomplish certain tasks and realize specific aspirations in life? The answer is daily motivation. Daily Motivation is the invisible force, the unseen power behind every individual's attempt for self-improvement. Not many people can achieve success in the short term. Some may need few weeks, few months or even few years to achieve what they desire. The most important thing here to be successful is constant self-improvement. You need to have a high enthusiasm and always look for opportunity to develop yourself further in everything you do.This is where daily motivation plays an important role to drive you to become a better person day by day to reach for something that would make you triumphant in life.

So, how to get motivated? Motivation may come from the people around you -from your family, friends and colleagues at work... from people of long time ago who lived a colorful past but because of their works and writings left indelible impressions on present-day individuals. More so, motivation could even spring out from the very depths of your spirit.

Besides that, motivational camps and talks are helpful to inspire you in achieving success. So are daily motivation websites and books. There are people who will share their past experiences and some useful tips for you to be successful. You must know that pursuing success does not solely depend on how much effort you put in but also how great is the desire to meet your objective. Therefore, daily motivation is essential to boost up your self confidence to continue striving towards success. A motivated person will always think positively and act accordingly in everything they do.

You must never lose sight of your goal or WHY you want to achieve that goal. See it, feel it, taste it, smell it, and act it out, to make the dream your daily reality in your mind first, then your actual life will catch up and motivate you to achieve your goals in real life.

Successful people, those that enjoy an amazing quality of life and seem to attract the things they want, are different from unsuccessful, unhappy people. They think differently, act differently, and play by an entirely different set of rules from the rest.

They get what they want because they have learned the daily motivational self improvement secrets. Only a handful of individuals actually achieve their dreams and goals, meaning only a handful know the answer everyone is looking for. To ensure that you will live the life of a winner, make sure you get the inspiration and motivation training and support to design and achieve the life of your dreams!

Sturat has created a website to meet the needs of anyone wanting free daily motivation self improvement tips and training. While there you can also download her free ebook with famous quotes for every day of the year at

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Modeling with Data: Tools and Techniques for Scientific Computing

Modeling with Data fully explains how to execute computationally intensive analyses on very large data sets, showing readers how to determine the best methods for solving a variety of different problems, how to create and debug statistical models, and how to run an analysis and evaluate the results.

Ben Klemens introduces a set of open and unlimited tools, and uses them to demonstrate data management, analysis, and simulation techniques essential for dealing with large data sets and computationally intensive procedures. He then demonstrates how to easily apply these tools to the many threads of statistical technique, including classical, Bayesian,maximum likelihood, and Monte Carlo methods. Klemens's accessible survey describes these models in a unified and nontraditional manner, providing alternative ways of looking at statistical concepts that often befuddle students. The book includes nearly one hundred sample programs of all kinds. Links to these programs will be available on this page at a later date.

Modeling with Data will interest anyone looking for a comprehensive guide to these powerful statistical tools, including researchers and graduate students in the social sciences, biology, engineering, economics, and applied mathematics.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Art in Nature Or Nature in Art?

Spring has sprung here in South Africa and my garden is bursting back into life. On a beautiful sunny day I decided to meet my daughter in the Botanical Gardens for the most pleasant of days browsing through trees and plants from all over the world in the most glorious of surroundings. Daughter of mine, being of artistic bent travels with pencil and sketchpad and had a ball sketching away at the interesting plant life.

Then at the weekend as fate would have it there was a HUGE Spring Flower Show at the local mall. That was just delightful - the funniest was a dog made of chrysanthemums but the best for me was a huge balancing floral interpretation of "Bold and Distinctive."What must have been very difficult and was done in such a masterly fashion was to interpret a painting in flowers! I really enjoyed seeing how this was done as usually we artists interpret nature not the other way round...

All in all now is a great time to do a spot of botanical art work, painting or sketching and South Africa has an abundance of fascinating plant life to inspire anyone from the finest of artists to those who enjoy more chunky palette knife work there is something there for all tastes. Vincent van Gogh summed it up very well with this advice "It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to; the feeling for the things themselves - for reality - is more important than the feeling for pictures."


Victorian botanical collectors must have rejoiced when they went to South Africa for they certainly took large amounts of plant material back to Kew Gardens in London, England in the nineteenth century and much of this genetic stock from the flora kingdoms of South Africa has since been hybridized into many varietals to suit every climate around the world producing many of the common garden plants that you will probably see in your country today..

One of these plants, which is the international flower for August, is the Gladiolus, from the Latin word for a sword and part of the Iris family. Gladiolus vary from very small, fragrant spikes to spectacular giant flowers. The South African species were originally pollinated in by-gone eras by long-tongued bees, but nowadays sunbirds, moths and long-tongued flies do the business. The gladiolus also attracts butterflies so not only can an artist get the opportunity to paint a charming flower but also the flitting butterflies.

You too can enjoy a botanical drawing frenzy in South Africa
I was an infant teacher for 25 years. When I relocated to South Africa, I ventured into Internet marketing following my interest in art, and as I wanted to share my lovely new environment with artists around the world so that they might enjoy painting it's beauty. South African Painting Holidays was born and keeps me happily employed now.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How to Use Ebook Writing to Make a Full Time Income Online

If you are no longer satisfied with the money you earn from your ebooks, it's about time that you publish more so you can generate more sales and revenue.

Here are the latest 6 creative methods to increase your ebook writing:

1. Obtain more profitable topic ideas. Obviously, you will need more topic ideas if you want to publish more ebooks. Visit relevant forums that are frequented by your potential clients, do a keyword research,and browse through article submission sites; these are gold mines of profitable topics ideas that are usually being searched for by online users.

2. Hire researchers. Doing your research and obtaining information on several topics can be a lot of work. I suggest that you hire some people who can do the legwork for you so you can make this task a lot faster and more efficient. You just have to let these people know the kind of information you need and the profile of your target market so they can help you gather data that will be highly relevant to the needs and demands of your potential clients.

3. Hire ghostwriters. You don't have to spend your days and nights in front of your computer writing your content as you can hire competent writers who can do this task for you. You can find these people on various freelancing sites like guru, getafreelancer, and elance dot com. You may get those people who have already proven track of record to ensure the quality of your ebooks. It would also help if you can get those ones who are also experts on your chosen niche so they can offer your readers the kind of information they need.

4. Hire proofreaders. Get some people who can manually edit and proofread the ebooks written by your ghostwriters. These people must have relevant experience in the past and they must be able to effectively improve your content and not just eliminate obvious errors.

5. Hire professional graphic designer. This person will take care of your book covers and will make sure that they will look professionally-designed so you can attract more people and entice them to buy your offerings once you make them available online.

6. Hire an internet marketer. If you haven't learned the ropes of internet marketing yet, you may opt to hire affiliate marketers who'll gladly advertise and sell your ebooks online. You will need to share a fraction of your revenue with these people but you can just sit back and relax and watch your book sales soar high in no time.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Quilting - Memories of a Lifetime

These family quilts have been passed down from one couple to the next to adorn the marriage bed for many decades. Imagine the warmth that this kind of tradition holds for the future. There are endless amazing stories that these old quilts could tell about quilting groups and the conversations that went on around it while it was being created.

Special Fabrics

Imagine with me if you will, a woman, a mother, carefully choosing and purchasing a certain fabric. The fabric, which has been sitting for quite a while now has no special purpose except for its beauty.This fabric is beautifully decorated with the most unique designs. She may not know what it is for but she does know that it is special. She stores it away for another time when the objective will be revealed. No one knows when or for what it will be used. Meanwhile it stays safely hidden until the perfect time.

One day while rummaging, she discovers the fabric once again. It has been hidden for a long time. Now she has a special quilting project in mind. Her daughter is expecting a baby. This lovely fabric will transform itself thru the art of quilting into a beautiful coverlet for a little angel. Carefully she works on her quilting project.

Finally, it is completed. It is constructed with the beautiful fabric that was chosen by her long ago for this special project. By quilting the baby's coverlet, she is presenting an heirloom that will pass from one generation to the next. Her heart is as warm as the baby beneath the quilt. She has a quilt of her very own draped on her rocking chair. One that her mother completed quilting for her many years ago!

Making Hearts Glow

If you have been considering the art of quilting or possibly learning to quilt, don't put it off. Not only can you make wonderful items for yourself, but quilting gives you the opportunity to touch someone else's life in a special way. Quilting has passed the test of time to become a popular pastime today. Many beds in many homes are adorned with the quilts of past and present.

Many people will pay hundreds of dollars for a quilt just to place it on a bed that will never get used. This is amazing. Think of the people whom you love who will actually snuggle under this wonderful quilt that you have created. Quilting truly is an art medium that ties the generations together.

You can also find more info on Quilting Designs. is a comprehensive resource which provide information about Quilt.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Video Editing with Avid: Media Composer, Symphony, Xpress

This is the first comprehensive guide to editing on Avid from a PAL standpoint, also including NTSC information where appropriate, making this book a worldwide manual.

If you are already using Media Composer, Symphony, or Xpress and want to improve and consolidate your basic methods, or if you need to learn these systems from scratch, then this book is for you. This invaluable reference source explains, from beginner to intermediate level, the similarities and differences of these three packages and will ensure you get the most out of your Avid system.
Based on his experience as a film and video editor and trainer, Roger Shufflebottom imparts all the information you need in a clear, accurate and easy to follow format. He provides a comprehensive guide to all the main editing tools of Media Composer, Symphony and Xpress. The text covers Media Composer versions 7-10, Xpress versions 2-4, and Symphony versions 1-3. Extra information is also included on Media Composer version 10.5, Symphony version 3.5 and Xpress version 4.5. Specific Apple Mac and Windows NT information is included.

Moving beyond basic editing, 2D effects, 3D effects and graphic import are explained in detail. By working through the text you will be able to complete an Avid project competently and intuitively and you will learn some efficient and powerful working techniques.

Roger Shufflebottom has been an editor since 1974, began training in 1993 and has run courses for major broadcasters including the BBC, Carlton, BskyB, Pearson Television and the American Forces Network as well as many facility companies. He is an Avid Certified Instructor and has written many articles for 'Avid User' magazine.

* Get all you need to know from a working PAL perspective, with NTSC references
* Gain first-hand experience from an Avid Certified Instructor
* Covers beginner to intermediate level editing in one comprehensive guide

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Adobe Photoshop CS3: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks (Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks)

Photoshop®: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks provides adventurous Photoshop users with a visual reference on how to use the bells and whistles found in the latest version of Photoshop. Broken out in 10 chapters, with 10 tasks per chapter, Photoshop®: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks covers 100 cool and useful tips and tricks that can be performed in the newest release of Photoshop. Full-color screen shots and numbered, step-by-step instructions show you how to take their Photoshop skills to new heights. Order the latest edition today and make your pictures pop.
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Better Photo Tips - Great Photo Recipe

How many of you know someone (possibly yourself) who collects cookbooks? Now then, how many of you know someone who uses a cookbook, but never follows the recipe the same way twice? Cookbooks offer a wealth of information and possibilities. The individual recipe is not set in stone; it is a guideline to help get your creative juices going. Some recipes have a lot more flexibility than others. Sweet and sour pork for example; could just as easily become sweet and sour chicken, or sweet and sour beef. It's all just a matter of knowing what ingredients to put in, leave out, or substitute. Great photography is likewise a matter of knowing what to put in, leave out, or substitute.

Just for a visual example; let's say your main ingredients are: little girl, tricycle, sidewalk. If you include all these ingredients and you shoot your photo in one direction, you also see the street, the car, and the neighbors' house. So you decide to shoot from the opposite direction and you have a nice grassy yard with a sprinkler in the background. The background is much simpler, and it is a whole lot easier to move your sprinkler than the neighbor's house.Now it's a judgment call; and every great photo is, but from this angle the sidewalk doesn't really add anything to the image. The leading lines in this case, lead your eyes out of the image. So now you have two choices: A) leave out the distraction or B) substitute a different angle. You can leave it out simply by cropping tighter. You can substitute a different angle by getting in front of the little girl to have the leading lines work for you. If you choose "B" you may also want to play with selective focus to avoid some of the distractions you had in the first place.

Obviously some ingredients are unique to cooking; but when it comes to making a great photo, most have several ingredients in common.

A) Balance - - - This includes formal and informal balance, but also embraces concepts like the rule of thirds and leading lines. Basically put, where you place the subject, is at least as important as the subject itself.

B) Emotion - - - A photograph that does not evoke an emotion from the viewer has robbed the viewer. Your job is to tell a story, to keep the viewer interested. The easiest way to accomplish that is making photos with emotional impact.

C) Exposure - - - Exposure not only covers light and shadows, but the details within both. Reflective light, diffused light, and bounced light are only part of the options you want to consider here. Your choice of how you expose an image also affects other key elements like depth of field.

D) Dominance - - - In music there is a dominant beat or rhythm. In drama there is a dominant character. In photography if you do not have a dominant subject you only confuse the viewer. By far the easiest way to make anything dominant is to take out every thing else. Always look for ways to simplify your subject.

These ingredients combined with other artistic spices like framing, repetition, negative space, and texture, allow you to create a mouth watering feast of images for your viewer to eat right up. It's not quite as simple as adding a cup of this or a teaspoon of that; like most great cooks, you may have to experiment a little. Now that you know what you have to work with, you too can decide what to put in, what to leave out, or what to substitute.

Award winning writer / photographer Tedric Garrison has 30 years experience in photography. As a Graphic Art Major, he has a unique perspective on the Elements of Design and how they relate to photography. His photo eBook; Finding Your Creative Edge in Photography, proves creativity CAN be taught. Tedric shares his wealth of knowledge with the world, at: Better Photo

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Resizing Images Online - 6 Tips to Using an Online Image Resizer

In today's fast moving world, everyone wants to put an image on a website, blog, or send the image to an e-Journal or online newsletter. This requires the ability to resize images online so that the image opened at the other end on different browsers is downloaded quickly and visible without distortion. Online image resizer is generally used for resizing and cropping the image. An excellent method to resize images online will keep in mind some of the following tips, so that while using, or after use of an online image resizer, the perfect quality pictures will be available:

1. To achieve perfect quality pictures, the job starts from the beginning. A good resolution can be obtained by using high pixel or high DPI technology. In other words, a high quality picture comes from a high Megapixel camera. An online picture resizer can help keep the picture quality intact after you resize images online.
2. To get a better photo, use larger file formats so that once you resize picture online, you get the best quality photo.
3. Transferring and saving these large files on a desktop or laptop is an especially difficult task. Most often resizing pictures will be done using an online image resizer. The same resolution is difficult to obtain, and therefore certain other steps must be carried out to get a perfect online image resize. For getting the maximum resolution and clarity in a resized photo, .eps or .tiff file formats should be used.
4. Correct file formats should always be used. File formats which compress the file should be avoided as they might damage the resized images.
5. Sometimes while using the online picture resizer, if the task is not done carefully, the photo quality may be damaged. It is always advised to resize images online carefully.
6. Although there are many free online image resizer applications available, and any one of them may be chosen, it is important to ensure that the right and reliable portal for resizing and cropping pictures is chosen.

Offline or online image resizer applications are available. Any one of them can be chosen for image resizing, however it is important to ensure that the best quality photo is obtained for adequate printing results. It is necessary to obtain the best quality photos after changing their size in such a way that it is easy to send them through email or post them on blogs. The retrieval of the photos should be fast and easy so that other people can see them quickly, and enjoy the photos. The above tips will ensure that, with the help of a free online image resize application the correct quality images are available in a perfect size so that the photo can be sent by email or posted on a blog.

Alex is a writer on image resizing technology for Reshade. The company specializes in image processing offering a free online image resizer and a photo enlargement application. What's special here is the ability to enlarge images without losing quality as is usually expected when upscaling. Their site, also offers a free image gallery where you can browse and download high resolution images resized with the online image resizer maintaining quality.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

AVG Internet Security v8.0.164 Incl Keymaker

AVG Internet Security v8.0.164 Incl Keymaker
Complete security protection against all of the most serious Internet threats, including viruses, worms, spyware, trojans, etc
AVG Internet Security provides complete security protection against all of the most serious Internet threats, including viruses, worms, spyware, trojans, adware, hackers
and spam.
AVG Internet Security includes:

* Anti-Virus protects from viruses, worms and trojans
* Anti-Spyware protects from spyware, adware and other malicious programs
* Anti-Spam filters spam and protects against phishing attacks
* Firewall protects from hackers

Release Name : AVG.Internet.Security.v8.0.164.Incl.Keymaker-EMBRACE

Size : 63.9 MB,

OS : 2000/XP/XP 64bit/Vista/Vista 64bit

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Photoshop Portable CS3

Adobe Photoshop, or simply Photoshop, is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems. It is the current and primary market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation, and is the flagship product of Adobe Systems. It has been described as "an industry standard for graphics professionals" and was one of the early "killer applications" on Macintosh.

Photoshop CS3, the current tenth iteration of the program, was released on 16 April 2007. "CS" reflects its integration with other Creative Suite products, and the number "3" represents it as the third version released since Adobe re-branded its products under the CS umbrella.Photoshop CS3 features additions such as the ability to apply non-destructive filters, as well as new selection tools named Quick Selection and Refine Edge that make selection more streamlined. On April 30th, Adobe released Photoshop CS3 Extended, which includes all the same features of Adobe Photoshop CS3 with the addition of capabilities for scientific imaging, 3D, and high end film and video users. The successor to Photoshop CS3, Photoshop CS4, will be the first 64-bit Photoshop on consumer microcomputers.

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What Are the Options on Cervical Cancer Treatment?

The cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus that leads to the vagina or birth canal. Like many organs in the body, the cervix can develop cancer. Cervical cancer usually develops very slowly over time. Before cancer appears in the cervix, dysphasia happens. Dysphasia is where the cells of the cervix go through changes and the cells that are not normal appear in the cervical tissue. When this happens, cancer starts to spread around the cervix and to other surrounding areas. Since the cervix is an important organ in the female body, it is important for us to know what are the options available on cervical cancer treatment.

Cervical cancer is often treated by a hysterectomy where the entire uterus and part of the vagina is removed surgically.If the cancer in the cervix is at an advanced stages, lymph nodes may also need to be removed. However, since many patients want to remain fertile, other more gentle cervical cancer treatment methods need to be considered. One of such gentle treatment is the loop electrosurgical excision procedure or LEEP.

There are many advantages to a LEEP, which include low cost, a high success rate, ease of use and often only requires the use of a local anesthetic. Another such surgical procedure is the cone biopsy. In a cone biopsy, only a cone shapes sample is removed from the mucous membrane. Radiation therapy is given as external beam radiotherapy to the pelvis and internally as brachytherapy. However if the cone biopsy does not produce much positive results, there is another procedure called a trachelectomy. With a trachelectomy, the doctors will try to remove only the cancer while keeping the uterus and ovaries intact. This treatment option is particularly ideal in condition whereby the cervical cancer has not spread to other areas inside the uterus. The limitation with this treatment method is that there are only a few specialists available who are qualified and skilled enough to perform this delicate procedure. Radiation therapy is another treatment option. Radiation therapy is administered as external beam radiotherapy to the pelvis and internally as brachytherapy. However, when dealing with cervical cancer, the biggest issue besides survival is the ability to have children in the future.

It is important to explore all the treatment options available for cervical cancer and to discuss with your doctor, friends, family and husband on the best cancer treatment for you. Do get a second expert's opinion before proceeding with any cervical cancer treatment involving surgery.

Lester Lee is the webmaster of, a popular site that provides useful advice and latest tips on Cervical Cancer Treatment. Visit our site today for more helpful information on Cervical Cancer Treatment and other similar topics.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

What's Annoying About Most Free Online Games Websites?

The most annoying thing about free online gaming websites is that every time you try to enjoy a good game you see, it suddenly freezes and then a popup comes up and after a while it gets so annoying you just have to close the game! You keep on getting so far and it's just impossible to play. Most of the time, you just think 'why!' Well I have just started working with an online gaming website. I made my own one and I have been thinking for ages why others do it. I doubt they actually earn any money from it.. how would they?Nobody ever looks at them, they try and close it before the image or text even loads! Well, I looked into it more, and still nothing, why do they do it? That is the main problem you get when trying to play fun games, you never really can. There are bigger gaming websites like miniclip that do not have any pop-ups, I guess that is why they have so many visitors.

Now I advise you, if you are ever thinking or playing or making your gaming website, try never to include pop-ups or pop-unders or anything that is literally going to stop users from going on your website. I hope you all find a great place to just kick of your shoes and play really fun games. You may think you're a bit too old for it, but nobody is! Anybody can play games, anybody can have fun!

Zachary van Driel owns a gaming site that he is trying to make different from all the rest. He has loads of games and has even added in a small article area where anybody can comment on his articles. If you want a place to enjoy a bit of freedom and play some games visit to do so!

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Best Way to Drink Green Tea For Weight Loss!

Chances are pretty good that you have heard about the benefits of green tea and that you have gone ahead and purchased some authentic green tea. As you know green tea promotes weight loss as well as have several health benefits some of which include the inhibiting of cancer forming cells as well as helping to stop the formation of blood clots.
But the best benefit of all is probably the weight loss benefit right?
Now when you first try to drink green tea the taste will be quite bitter.

Here are a few simple tips to get your green tea to taste like a winner without messing with it's ultimate purpose (that being helping you lose weight):

1. Never add sugar

Sugar will diminish the effects of the green tea, plus it won't taste that good.

2. Add NATURAL sweetener

Get yourself a passion fruit. Open it up and take out 1 - 2 teaspoons full of passion fruit and add it into the green tea. Even honey can do the trick, but passion fruit tastes the best.

3. Stir very thoroughly

Make sure you give it a very good stir so that the sweetness embodies all the tea, otherwise you'll get that sweet-bitter taste.

4. Add some ice.

Chances are good that you will like your tea cold. So just add ice and enjoy!

Green Tea on it's own delivers weight loss results, but green tea pills are even more powerful seeing that only the good parts of the tea are extracted and added into the pills. Also, if you are a very busy person, the pills really come in handy.

One problem you may face is that you might end up getting your hands on fake green tea. This happens! Ever since green tea got popularized by the Oprah Winfrey show every company in the US are trying to capitalize on the Buzz. They take normal black tea and try and make it look like green tea so that they don't have to incur extra shipping costs for REAL green tea.

However, there ARE real Chinese companies that ship real green tea to our countries.

It all depends where you buy your leaves or pills.

For more information on Green Tea, where to buy green tea leaves or where to buy the only weight loss green tea pill that works, please visit my lens for more information:

Green Tea Weight Loss Pills


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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Backing Up Business Files Online

As computers are now used by virtually everyone, backup services have sprung up everywhere. Businesses, as well as individuals, have their crucial documents protected from computer disaster by services which back up data remotely.
These services are now established solutions to the problem of storing valuable computer files safely. As computers are at risk of all sorts of incidents, people who use computers for business or private use count on these services for the protection they are capable of providing. The backing up of data remotely has been found to be superior to traditional methods of storing software.Everyone from small businesses and corporations to individuals use remote backup in order to be sure that there is safe storage of their files.

When a virus infects a computer, or the computer is put at risk by natural disasters like earthquakes or fires, recovering the files stored on a computer may prove impossible. Remote storage facilitated online is, in this case, a huge benefit, because the files remain in existence even if the hard drive does not.

Of late, some people are backing up their files remotely. Benefits of this method include the fact that it is simple to implement, and can be billed, at the user's preference, annually or monthly. The fact that one is spared of dealing with the details of storage and manipulation means that it often proves to be well worth the price.

People who use such services can download software that enables them to use it easily. Such software is installed quickly, and with it users can find and download important stored files. Backing up files can be done automatically, according to a pre-set schedule. Storage, then, can be done speedily and unobtrusively, so that you can focus on other things.

Key benefits of backing up one's files online includes convenient and easy access, and simple distribution of files to many users. It also allows large amounts of workers to have access to their files regardless of where they are physically, and this can increase their efficiency dramatically.

When computers experience crashes, or acquire viruses, key data can be lost permanently from the hard drive. This can be avoided through remote data backup; more students, companies, and other individuals are gaining peace of mind by having these copies available.

I'm moderator for and I'm hoping contribute to make grow our community by sharing my knowledge and helping people.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

tutorial photoshop : Mastering Photoshop CS3 for Print Design and Production

Unlike the early days of Photoshop, for several years now most Photoshop books have been aimed at photographers; there is a big hole on the bookstore shelf that needs to be filled by a Photoshop book that is geared specifically towards graphic design professionals and production artists. This core audience should not have to wade through useless chapters of content geared towards other users of the application, namely professional photographers, web designers, and video editors.

Mastering Photoshop for Print Design and Production sets graphic designers and production artists in the right direction when implementing the latest version of Photoshop into their everyday workflow. It demonstrates how to use Photoshop for all aspects of print, from simpler tasks such as basic color correction and masking, to more advanced tasks such as color management, utilizing layer comps, and troubleshooting and automating RGB-to-CMYK color conversion.
Entirely four-color throughout, Mastering Photoshop for Print Design and Production fulfills the promise of the Mastering series, to provide real-world skills to professionals and students. Like all Mastering books, this one includes:
A “by pros for pros” approach: The author is an active professional working in graphic arts, layout, and design, writing for professionals who want to improve their skills or learn new skills.
Real-world examples: Running throughout the text are examples of how the various skills are applied in scenarios faced by real practitioners.
Skill-based teaching and hands-on exercises.
Companion files for tutorials and projects are provided on the accompanying CD-ROM.

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
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What is the Computer Registry and How to Maintain it So Your PC Works Great

If you are unfamiliar with how your computer works and you are constantly wondering "what is the computer registry" then you have come to the right place. In this article we are going to tell you exactly what the computer registry is and why you should utilize computer diagnostic software to keep it running in the best possible speed and performance.

Maybe all you know about your computer is how to turn it on and perform the tasks that you do on a daily basis. You do not understand that your computer like almost everything else of value requires some kind of maintenance to keep running its best and to get more value out of it. You do not however have to be a computer genius or a mechanic to properly take care of your PC; as a matter of fact the software that is available to anyone is sufficient and will walk you through the entire process while you just sit back and let take its course.Okay so what is the computer registry? It is the back bone of your computer; it is where all the files, software and applications that you have ever downloaded onto your system lie. It is like the file cabinet that you have in your office; everything that you ever needed or put away lies there. The more files that you upload onto your computer causes you the computer registry to expand; and eventually it has expanded to much so it causes your computer to become slower and less efficient.

However you can easily get it running again at its best performance and that is why it is recommended that everyone clean their registry on a regular basis. A good registry program will begin by backing up your registry so that if anything goes wrong it can easily be restored. It will also remove any duplicate files, program fragments, dead drivers, spyware, invalid paths, invalid file types, fonts and much more.

After you clean out the system then you should immediately be able to see a difference in the way your computer performs. Your computer will stop freezing and crashing and sending you all kinds of error messages. However it is important that you keep it clean on a regular basis and it is wise to invest in computer diagnostic software. Not only will you have them on hand to perform your maintenance; however you will be able to get your computer to last longer and run more efficiently than if you never perform any kind of maintenance.

If you found this article on "what is the computer registry and how to maintain it so your PC works great" helpful; visit our site below. You can easily perform a quick free diagnostic test to ensure that your system is running at its best performance. You will also find one of the most reputable registry cleaners online that will remove all the unwanted clutter from your computer that can be causing the annoying frustrations you are experiencing.

What Is The Computer Registry! Free Computer Scan To Check For Invalid Files; Make Your PC Run Faster!

Prevent Your Computer From Experiencing PC Errors, Constant Crashes And General System Slowdowns!

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Friday, August 1, 2008

What is Photoshop CS3?

Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 software accelerates your path from imagination to imagery. Ideal for photographers, graphic designers, and web designers, the professional standard delivers new features such as automatic layer alignment and blending that enable advanced compositing. Live filters boost the comprehensive, nondestructive editing toolset for increased flexibility. And a streamlined interface and new timesaving tools make your work flow faster.

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